Has there ever been a time when you have questioned the phrase, life is luck?
Well, this is true. However, luck is not always going to jump out right in front of you. To be successful, you have to make your own luck.
In this article, I am going to show you how to do this.

Life is Luck: 16 Ways to Make Your Own Luck
Everyone has different views and strategies about making their own luck. The ones who are masters at this know the right views and strategies.
Most of them often revolve around perseverance, seizing opportunities, and staying aggressive.
Here are 16 ways to make your own luck:
- Stay sociable. The more you interact with other people, the more opportunities there are for you to explore. Being sociable will definitely increase your chances of success.
- Focus on the outcome. Don't obsess over events. These are just small steps you need to take to get where you want to be. And there will be many, so you can't occupy your mind every time. This will cause you to miss the big picture. Instead, aim for the end result. This encourages aggressive behavior, and more important, keeps you motivated.
- Increase your rewards. This mentality will keep you focused on what you are doing, why you are doing it, and the end result.
- Decrease your risk. Cautious steps can save unnecessary hardships.
- Have passion for what you're doing. Making your own luck is not easy, and no one ever said that it was. At times, it can be brutal. It is your passion that keeps you going. With passion, you will enjoy every minite of it, no matter how brutal it can be.
- Share your luck generously. No one is going to copy your idea for one simple reason: They are not you. This is your motivation, your dream, your passion. It is not their's. This makes a tremendous difference. Also remember, What goes around, comes around !
- Initiate opportunities. You do this by forming relationships. Opportunities and relationships go hand in hand.
- Explore new regions. Get interested in everything. Be open to new ideas. Fresh experiences bring fresh fortune.
- Be gracious. No matter how difficult it may be, do this on a regular basis. Be patient. Practice appreciation for a better outlook.
- Think outside the box. Venture beyond your daily schedule. Things can change, even your initial ideas. A routine can hurt, and destroy potential possibilities.
- Seek out complimentary activities. This will invite luck even without spending money. You have the world's greatest library at your finger tips, the internet. It is filled with free resources to help you achieve your goal. Don't be shy about utilizing them.
- Chat with friends. Have conversations with at least three strangers. You never know what you can learn from this. New doors may appear from where you would least expect, and will open wide for you.
- Show determination. Always have faith in yourself and your endeavors. Confidence is very contagious, and it attracts success.
- Always complete what you've started. If necessary, attempt it from a renewed perspective. It's better trying than leaving it midway. Never leave anything on the table.
- Don't pay any attention to Dream Killers. If someone tries to kill your dream, i.e., say to you, "It won't work!", remember: This means absolutely nothing. Oh sure, they're right. It won't work for THEM, BUT, it will work for YOU! This is your passion, and your dream. It's not the dream killer's passion and dream. This makes a huge difference.
- Never be afraid of failure. And I save the most important for last. There are only two ways failure can hurt you. First, it will hurt you if you don't even try. Second, it will hurt you if you just quit and give up.
Failure is the stepping stone to success, and making your own luck. Without failure, there can be no luck, and no success. You are going to fail many times. Sometimes, you will fail more than 50 times a day. But every time you fail, NEVER get devastated. Instead, find the reason you failed. The answer is always there. FInd it, fix it, and move on.
Failure is not your enemy, It is your friend. Failure is not there to hurt you. It is there to help you, and to challenge you. It makes you a better person.
Finally, if you fail 999 times, and get it right the last time, those 999 failures mean nothing.

Recently, we published an article entitled The Real Meaning of a Dream: Part 1. Part 2 will be published very soon. You don't want to miss this. When you read it, you will never be afraid of failure again.
Remember, making your own luck depends less on coincidence, and more on what your actions are. Invite new opportunities and turn them into your own luck!
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