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Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

Category: Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You EngagementSocial Media
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If your social media posts are not getting noticed, and getting engagement, there is a reason. Here are 197 social media topics that are attention getters, some images and videos you can download and use in your posts, and finally, some additional tips on creating posts that will grab people and make them stop scrolling.

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

We all have our own personal brand. The content we share on social media reflects this brand, and who we are.

When you share something, you want people to see it, and you want to build your own following.

Remember, engagement is the backbone of social media. This is all of those likes, comments, and shares that you love to see.

When people notice, and engage your posts, five things happen:

  • First, the social media platform knows you are posting very good stuff.
  • Second, more people begin seeing your posts.
  • Third, the same people who see your posts are enjoying the content you create.
  • Fourth, you are now interacting with your audience and building a stronger relationship with them.
  • Finally, you will suddenly have a much larger audience.

Your social media experience is about to get better.

In this post, I am going to do three things:

First, I will show you that the same principle applies to all types of posts, including, text, photos, videos and business posts.

Second, I am going to provide you the opportunity to download images and videos that you can add to your posts, and make them stand out.

Third, and most important, I am going to give you 197 excellent post ideas. These ideas will get your posts noticed, and generate engagement, comments, likes and shares.

Talk to people as if you are talking to them face to face

Do posts that get engagement necessarily have to be business posts?

Absolutely not!

Some of the best posts on social media have nothing to do with business.

If fact, some of the best business posts I've seen tell third party stories that have nothing to do with a product or service. Did you know that the best negotiators in the world are masters at telling third party stories?

Most people associate brands solely with business. But this is not always true.

Even if you have a business, and sell products and/or services, the facts remain:

YOU are the brand!

YOU are the original package!

YOU are the sales receipt!

YOU and ONLY YOU are your social media brand!

Now it is time to connect with people, and for them to connect with you.

The way you do this is, talk to people the same way you would talk to someone you see every day. Do the things you would do every day with a friend.

Show people photos and videos that you would like them to see. If you believe a video is a winner, chances are, others will believe it too.

When it comes to posting engaging content, you will find that you are no different from other people, and vice versa.

197 Topics to Post on Social Media to Get your Post Noticed

Now, let's get right to it. Try some of these topics out. They have been carefully selected, and they are attention getters.

You can match a photo to any topic, and a video to most topics. But guess what! We have given you a head start.

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

We've compiled a list of topics for social media to get the conversation started. You will see them here below, but we've done much more than that. If you click here or click on the image above, you will see the list of topics again, with images and videos you can download for your posts.

This will get you started. As you create more engaging content, naturally you will want to use your own images and videos.

For now, feel free to use the resources we have provided for as long as you like.

As you select a topic, use it to start a conversation in a post. You are only limited by your imagination. Try some out and let us know what you think.

And without further ado, here are the 1997 topics:

Complete the Sentence

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement
Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

My favorite soft drink is __________.

My favorite Christmas cookie is __________.

If I could visit any place in the world, it would be __________.

If Hollywood makes a movie about me, the title would be __________.

If Hollywood makes a movie about me, the actor would be __________.

My all-time favorite movie is __________.

My all-time favorite Christmas movie is __________.

Next Christmas, all I want is __________.

My favorite season of the year is __________.

My favorite breakfast food is __________.

My favorite holiday of the year is __________.

One food I could eat every day is __________.

On New Year's Eve, the place I like to go is __________.

My favorite sport to watch on TV is __________.

My all-time favorite book is __________.

If I could be anywhere right now, it would be __________.

My favorite beverage while working is __________.

My favorite way to relax after a long day is __________.

If I were rescued from a desert island, the first thing I'd want is __________.

My all-time favorite TV show is __________.

My all-time favorite singer is __________.

My all-time favorite comedian is __________.

I think the all-time greatest entertainer is __________.

Do you Prefer

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement
Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

Do you prefer being alone or being with an annoying person?

Do you prefer working from home or working from an office?

Do you prefer going to the mountains or the beach?

Do you prefer going to a sporting event or watching it on TV?

Do you prefer dressing up or dressing casual?

Do you prefer an easy job, or a owning a business and working hard?

Do you prefer watching TV or listening to music?

Do you prefer driving or flying?

Do you prefer flying or taking the train?

Do you prefer 5 close friends or 10,000 social media friends?

Do you prefer Walmart or Target?

Do you prefer pie or cake?

Do you prefer eating out or eating in?

Do you prefer never using social media again or never watching TV again?

Do you prefer being on stage or in the crowd?

Do you prefer a dog or a cat as a pet?

Do you prefer a Windows PC or a Mac?

Do you prefer having a maid or a chef?

Do you prefer doing laundry or cleaning the house?

Do you prefer warm weather or cold weather?

Do you prefer free Subway sandwiches for life or free iTunes for life?

Memories from the Past

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement
Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

What was your first job?

What was your first car?

What is the earliest thing you remember?

Who was your first date?

Who was your date for your high school prom?

What's something you've done that you thought you'd never do?

When you were a child, what was your favorite place to hang out?

Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school?

Who was your least favorite teacher in elementary school?

What started out bad but ended up good?

What was the best book you ever read?

What was the best vacation you've ever been on?

What was the best movie you've ever seen?

What was your favorite candy bar when you were a child?

How old were you when you stopped crying when you got a shot?

What is the best thing you remember about elementary school?

What is the worst thing you remember about elementary school?

What was cool when you were young, but isn't cool now?

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

What was your favorite food as a child?

When you are old, what will your grandkids ask you to tell stories about?

What high school clubs did you join?

Who was your hero when you were a child?

Choose Only One

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement
Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

If you could only celebrate 1 holiday every year, what would it be?

If you could attend one sporting event this year, what would it be?

If you could have a conversation with one celebrity, who would it be?

If you could have only one dessert from now on, what would it be?

If you could have only one app on your phone, what would it be?

If you could only listen to one kind of music, what would it be?

If you could own only one suit, what color would it be?

If you could go back in time and re-live one moment in your life, what would it be?

If you could have only one junk food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If you could see one person you haven't seen in years, who would it be?

If you could watch only one TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If you could change your profession and pursue one career, what would it be?

If you could become a one sport professional athlete, what sport would it be?

If you could qualify for one event in the next Olympics, what event would it be?

If you could learn to play one musical instrument, what instrument would it be?

If you could travel to one place in the world, what would that place be?

If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Show Your Appreciation

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement
Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

What are you most thankful for today?

Who is the person you admire the most?

Who is the person who made a difference in your life?

What event changed your life for the better?

What is the best thing that has happened to you today?

What is something that happened in your life that you are thankful for every day?

Have you ever just stopped to think about how great it is to be alive?

What is something you are looking forward to in the future?

Have you ever thought about writing down the ten things you are most grateful for?

Have you ever thought about the number of people who care about you?

Who is the person you feel is the best friend you have?

How has someone helped you recently?

What is one thoughtful thing someone did for you recently?

What is one thoughtful thing you did for someone recently?

What is something that happened today that made you very happy?

What is something you like about your home?

What is something you like about your job?

Have you ever done good things for people because it's the right thing to do?

What is something that has improved your life recently?

What is a simple thing that you sometimes take for granted?

What has happened recently to improve your life?

Do you believe you are a better person today than you were yesterday?

This or That (Roll the Dice)

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement
Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

Television or Movies?

Delivery or Sit down restaurant?

Car or Truck?

Coffee or Tea?

Paperback or Hard cover?

Mountains or Beach?

Lake or Ocean?

Coke or Pepsi?

Book or Movie?

Dogs or Cats?

Apple or Android?

Mac or PC?

Early bird or Night owl?

Summer or Winter?

Pancakes or Waffles?

Baseball or Football?

Shower or Bath?

Cake or Pie?

Call or Text?

Sausage or Bacon?

Blue or Green?

Iced tea or Hot tea?

Spring or Fall?

Wine or Beer?

Sweet or Salty?

Bar of soap or Shower gel?

Cooking or Baking?

Artificial Christmas tree or Real Christmas tree?

Roses or Tulips?

Carpet or Hardwood?

Day or Night?

Rich friend or Loyal friend?

Drive or Fly?

World Series or Super Bowl?

Hamburgers or Hot Dogs?

Blue eyes or Brown eyes?

Apples or Oranges?

Online shopping or Store shopping?

Santa Claus or Easter Bunny?

Cheese pizza or Meat pizza?

Andy Griffith or I Love Lucy?

The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?

Elvis or Michael Jackson?

Personal Questions

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement
Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

Where do you see yourself in five years?

What is your favorite TV show?

What is your favorite place to go for a vacation?

What was the last thing that got you excited?

What makes you the happiest?

What is the most surprising fact you've learned about yourself?

What is the one thing that you're afraid of?

What do you think your role is in this world?

Who is your hero?

How do you spend your spare time?

What is the best and worst advice you've ever received?

What is your favorite place you have visited?

How do you balance your personal and professional life?

What makes you a great leader?

Do you ever dream?

Do you believe dreams are supposed to be turned into realities?

What makes you different from others?

How would you describe your personality?

What do you hope to accomplish in the future?

What are you passionate about?

How do you feel about your relationships?

What is the biggest regret you have in your life?

What are you afraid of?

Who has influenced you the most?

What is the one thing you would like to let go of this year?

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Can you wake up without an alarm clock?

What is your cure for hiccups?

What do you think is the purpose of life?

Thought Provoking - Trivia

Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement
Stand Out Online: 197 Social Media Topics That Get Attention, Get Your Posts Notices and Get You Engagement

If a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one there, does it make noise?

If croutons are stale bread, why are they wrapped in cellophane?

Why does an airline stewardess welcome you to a city where she, herself has just arrived, after landing?

Have you ever remembered something, but can't remember experiencing it?

Why do black olives come in cans and green ones in jars?

Why has nobody ever launched mouse-flavored cat food?

Why does the sun lighten the hair color but only darkens our skin tone?

When you eat a donut, what happens to the hole?

Will time travel ever be possible?

Is there really life after death?

Why did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin, and Thomas Edison invent the light bulb?

If a man with multiple personalities kills himself, is he a serial killer?

Why is it that rain drops but snow falls?

Why are words ending with the letters o u g h pronounced different ways in the English language?

Why do banks charge you for insufficient funds when you don't have enough money in your account to pay it?

Why are cars built to go faster than the speed limits?

What is the fourth dimension?

When two vehicles avoid an accident and nearly hit each other, why is it called a near miss instead of a near hit?

What is the meaning of life?

Final thoughts

And there you have it. This is a very comprehensive list of topics that will keep you posting for a long time.

When selecting these topics, we tried to cover everything that can be shared on social media.

There are a lot of thought-provoking topics that will keep you busy posting, and will also keep others busy reacting to your posts.

Some of the topics are more personal than others. But the beauty of all this is, YOU are the one who decides what you will post.

Get ready to do some serious posting.


Remember! At SurfSideSafe, we are here to make your life much better.

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