A very good friend of mine had a Father who was in a wheel chair since the 1950s. His father was a five star athlete in high school - A pitcher, and he was a good one. The Detroit Tigers drafted him, but shortly after that, he got polio. I didn't appreciate what she said, and neither did my friend. #baseball#DetroitTigersA very good friend of mine had a Father who was in a wheel chair since the 1950s. His father was a five star athlete in high school - A pitcher, and he was a good one. The Detroit Tigers drafted him, but shortly after that, he got polio. I didn't appreciate what she said, and neither did my friend. #baseball#DetroitTigers
Reply by Mandy DiAngelo About 6 day(s) ago I wish people in her position could work for the common good for everyone. They're supposed to have the interest of the people as their top priority, but by her actions, this is hardly the case.
Reply by Curt Chance About 6 day(s) ago She's finished. I don't see how she can ever recover from this, especially with her other antics during the past week.
Reply by SueAnn Lindley About 6 day(s) ago This is no way for a Congress woman to represent herself.
Reply by Jack Robbins About 6 day(s) ago She acts like she never left the ghetto
Reply by Bubba Fisher About 6 day(s) ago This was disgusting. I can't believe a public person would stoop to something so low.
Reply by Holly Anders About 6 day(s) ago Hey Margie, I noticed you added hashtags for the Father's baseball achievements, but you didn't add one for the person in the video. And I prefer not to say her name. Well done!
Let's take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember these classic TV shows? What are some other that you remember? 👪🕺Let's take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember these classic TV shows? What are some other that you remember? 👪🕺
Reply by Mae Eisner About 7 day(s) ago I can think of two more that didn't make the list: "Happy Days" and "The Brady Bunch"
Reply by Curt Chance About 7 day(s) ago MASH was a great sitcom, but I liked the movie much better. Read more ➢
Reply by Holly Anders About 7 day(s) ago I've watched re-runs of 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show', and I think this is one of the greatest TV shows of all time. When Mary Tyler Moore passed away in 2017, this really hurt.
Reply by Roger Duncan About 7 day(s) ago These definitely were the classics. After a few years, night time sitcoms started appearing, and before long, the newer shows became a dime a dozen.
Reply by MaryKate Barton About 7 day(s) ago I remember when these shows first aired, and it makes me feel old. If I recall, "All in the Family" was the first, and "Sanford and Son" was the second. I never liked All in the Family because it was too controversial. Sanford and Son, at first, seemed controversial, but Redd Foxx was brilliant, and funny. He was so funny, that the controversy seemed to be overshadowed by his humor.
Reply by Kenneth Cole About 7 day(s) ago I vaguely remember these shows when they first aired, but I've seen re-runs of them over the years. #classicTV#sitcoms#70sTV
Reply by Mae Eisner About 21 day(s) ago The only one who looks a little similar to the way she looks today is Meryl Streep.
Reply by Dixie Rose About 21 day(s) ago It's amazing how time can change the way someone looks, and usually for the better.
Reply by Jack Robbins About 21 day(s) ago The one who really looks different is Robert De Niro. Back then, he looked nothing like he looks today.
Reply by Holly Anders About 21 day(s) ago I can see the similarities between now and then, but I wouldn't have recognized any of them if the names were not listed.
This reminds me of the old days, when going to the beach was considered "ruffin' it". We didn't have a care in the world, and the only thing on our minds was having a good time. I miss those days. #beachThis reminds me of the old days, when going to the beach was considered "ruffin' it". We didn't have a care in the world, and the only thing on our minds was having a good time. I miss those days. #beach
Reply by Mae Eisner About 22 day(s) ago I can imagine taking a nap on that couch on the front porch.
Reply by Ricky Robbins About 23 day(s) ago Oh YEAH! Now you're talking!
Reply by Jack Robbins About 23 day(s) ago I can picture myself fishing on the surf, and afterwards, having some delicious smoked fish. That's the life!
Reply by Bubba Fisher About 23 day(s) ago This would be a nice place to retire to.
Reply by SueAnn Lindley About 23 day(s) ago I can just picture myself there now, relaxing in the sun.
Reply by Holly Anders About 23 day(s) ago Oh COOL! I can get into just going there, spending a week, and just forgetting about everything but R&R.
Reply by Dixie Rose About 23 day(s) ago I'm afraid I'm a little too young to remember this, but I do remember a few of the old beach front motels.
It's amazing how, suddenly, big tech is trying to win President Trump over. But where were Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Sundar Pichai the last 4 years? Tim Cook (Apple), Larry Ellison (Oracle) and Elon have been with him all the way since the beginning. #MarkZuckerberg#JeffBezos#TimCook#LarryEllison#ElonMusk#presidentDonaldTrumpIt's amazing how, suddenly, big tech is trying to win President Trump over. But where were Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Sundar Pichai the last 4 years? Tim Cook (Apple), Larry Ellison (Oracle) and Elon have been with him all the way since the beginning. #MarkZuckerberg#JeffBezos#TimCook#LarryEllison#ElonMusk#presidentDonaldTrump
Reply by Mae Eisner About 22 day(s) ago I recognize Zuckerberg, Bezos, the Google guy and Elon, but I don't recognize the woman.
Reply by SueAnn Lindley About 23 day(s) ago That's a good sign. He will need big tech on his side, because big tech is where it's at today, and it will be this way for a long time.
Reply by Dixie Rose About 23 day(s) ago As long as President Trump has Apple, Oracle and Elon on his side, he can't help but be the best president we've ever had.
Remember this relic from the past? Do you remember who you were calling right about now in 1979?Remember this relic from the past? Do you remember who you were calling right about now in 1979?
Reply by Roger Duncan About 22 day(s) ago In 1979? Probably my broker.
When you think of Al Pacino, what is the first movie that pops in your head? He was in a lot of great movies, but the first movie I think of is "The Godfather" #AlPacino#TheGodfatherWhen you think of Al Pacino, what is the first movie that pops in your head? He was in a lot of great movies, but the first movie I think of is "The Godfather" #AlPacino#TheGodfather
Here's some movie trivia that only a few people know. The 1997 movie, "Titanic" was inspired by the 1958 classic, "A Night to Remember". Bernard Fox, the Welsh actor who played Malcolm Merriweather on "The Andy Griffith Show" and Dr. Bombay on the classic TV show "Bewitched" was in both movies. However, in "A Night to Remember", he was uncredited. #Titanic#theAndyGriffithShowHere's some movie trivia that only a few people know. The 1997 movie, "Titanic" was inspired by the 1958 classic, "A Night to Remember". Bernard Fox, the Welsh actor who played Malcolm Merriweather on "The Andy Griffith Show" and Dr. Bombay on the classic TV show "Bewitched" was in both movies. However, in "A Night to Remember", he was uncredited. #Titanic#theAndyGriffithShow
Reply by BillieMax Clements About 22 day(s) ago Interesting. I didn't know that.
Sometimes, success is not about persisting. To be successful, you must know when it is time to quit. And remember, quitting is not the end. It's just an open door to something better.Sometimes, success is not about persisting. To be successful, you must know when it is time to quit. And remember, quitting is not the end. It's just an open door to something better.
Reply by Roger Duncan About 1 month(s) ago I agree Margie. Anyone who keeps trying something that constantly doesn't work is a moron.
Reply by Margie Ola About 1 month(s) ago I agree with you on that. They're just wasting their time.
I think all people should come together and pray very hard for Pope Francis. He's a good man, a humble man, and a good Pope. One thing I've noticed about him is, he doesn't go all over the place looking for a camera, like one of his predecessors. #PopeFrancisI think all people should come together and pray very hard for Pope Francis. He's a good man, a humble man, and a good Pope. One thing I've noticed about him is, he doesn't go all over the place looking for a camera, like one of his predecessors. #PopeFrancis