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Bubba Fisher


Bubba Fisher

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 4 day(s) ago

I was playing draw poker yesterday on SurfSideSafe, and look what I got! What are the odds? I knew this wouldn't happen again any time soon, so I made a screen shot. You can't make this stuff up. #drawpoker #royalflush

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 23 day(s) ago

I wasn't around when these guys were the highlights of pro football. But I've heard stories about how special a time this was. I've seen many videos of these 3 guys announcing a game from up in the booth, and it was really something special. #mondayNightFootball

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 26 day(s) ago

I hope President Trump can pull this off. If anyone can do it, he can. It's sad that Pete will not be around to enjoy it. When the all time 'hits' leader cannot get into the Baseball Hall of Fame, something is definitely wrong. #presidentDonaldTrump #peteRose

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 1 month(s) ago

Oprah Winfrey says, "I can't live in the US for the next 4 years and breathe the same air as Elon Musk." I beg to differ. What is your response to her statement? #oprahWinfrey #elonMusk

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 1 month(s) ago

I remember this, right before the 2019 Sweet 16. This was before Auburn beat North Carolina, on their way to the Final Four. Kenny wore his North Carolina uniform. I'll always wonder why Charles didn't wear his Auburn uniform. #charlesBarkley #auburnTigers

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 1 month(s) ago

Check this out. This is very interested. Did you know, Tom Brady doesn't have a losing record against any team in the NFL he's played against? 🏈 #tomBrady

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 1 month(s) ago

I came across this ad for a more up to date razor, and I couldn't believe it. It actually gives people who buy it instructions on how to shave. These modern razors might be OK, but give me the safety razor from the old days. They are still the best. If something works, don't fix it.

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 1 month(s) ago

At the age of 21 he signed with Nike. At age 22, the first Air Jordans were launched, and you know the rest of that story. But did you know that Michael Jordan almost signed with Adidas instead? Adidas turned him down

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 1 month(s) ago

On Man! Homemade patty melt. Been a long time 😊 #pattyMelt

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1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 1 month(s) ago

A hotel room in Egypt

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