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Mae Eisner


Mae Eisner


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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 7 day(s) ago

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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 21 day(s) ago

DOGE is searching through Social Security records looking for fraud. Wow! Can you imagine? Some people actually believe there are 200 year old people out there. #SocialSecurity #DOGE

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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 23 day(s) ago

Budget problems? #PaulNewman

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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 26 day(s) ago

No way, not even with technology.

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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 1 month(s) ago

Occasionally, it's good to do some "at the moment" thinking. Always know where you're at, be there, and enjoy every minute of it.

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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 1 month(s) ago

I was immediately attracted to this picture. I've never seen the Statute of Liberty photographed from this angle. #NewYorkCity #StatuteofLiberty

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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 1 month(s) ago

Now this is very nice. So peaceful. So serene. In fact, this looks like a house not far from where I live, but the sand gives it away. Where I live is mostly green. #DreamHome

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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 1 month(s) ago

P B & J - European style!

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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 1 month(s) ago

Reynisfjara Beach, Iceland. I've heard that #Iceland is the best place in the world to live. Read more ➢

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1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 1 month(s) ago

#Tesla, on a snowy road.

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