I thought I'd post a picture of Taylor Swift. Why not? Everyone else on social media is doing it.I thought I'd post a picture of Taylor Swift. Why not? Everyone else on social media is doing it.
Reply by Mandy DiAngelo About 4 day(s) ago Too much Taylor Swift. I think she's worn out her welcome.
Reply by Holly Anders About 4 day(s) ago Some people just naturally show up, whenever there's a camera close by
Apple IIGS - This was my first computer. Do you remember what your first computer was? Suprisingly, a lot of people don't remember.Apple IIGS - This was my first computer. Do you remember what your first computer was? Suprisingly, a lot of people don't remember.
Reply by Roger Duncan About 4 day(s) ago My first computer was a Tandy. Biggest mistake I ever made. I kept it for a year, and got an IBM. This was the premier computer at the time, but you don't see them any more.