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We are here to give you something unique

Watch this video. It will be very helpful.

One of the unique features of SurfSideSafe is the ability to change your background on you page to an animated background.

The background in the box that contains your profile picture can be changed to a custom photo, which is pretty standard in Social Media today. But what is not so standard is the ability to add a video as a background. When we designed SurfSideSafe we were thinking about your looking out the window of your home and seeing a very scenic view.

This is exactly the effect you can have with our unique background system. You can change your background as many times as you like. The default background shows a "Mystic City" scene. You can also choose a beach front, city skyline, winter snowfall (for the Holiday Season) and many others from our selection that we have provided for you. Or, you can choose your own custom video background.

Finally, you can turn the background animation off and on.

Watch the above video to see how it works.

Our Support Center was last updated on October 5, 2022.