MaryKate Barton | About 4 day(s) ago What would you say is the greatest acting performance in the history of motion pictures?
Reply by Roger Duncan About 4 day(s) ago Here's a movie that goes way back. I remember a low budget western movie from the 50s named, "Terror in a Texas Town". There was an actor by the name of Nedrick Young who had a magnificent performance. He was a western hit man, and the first time I saw this movie, he scared me to death. It's a old movie but it's good one. Check it out. Read more ➢
Reply by Curt Chance About 4 day(s) ago I like old movies. I'd have to say, Spencer Tracy in "Inherit the WInd"
Reply by Bubba Fisher About 4 day(s) ago Dennis Hopper in "Hoosiers". He practically played 3 parts - A drunk, a basketball coach and a patient in the psych ward. He was brilliant.
Reply by Holly Anders About 4 day(s) ago I agree with Margie. Most people say his greatest performance was in Forest Gump, but his performance in Big has been overlooked. Both were great movies.
Reply by Margie Ola About 4 day(s) ago I think one of the greatest performances was Tom Hanks, in "Big". In this movie, a 30 year old man played the part of a child. He was brilliant.