Margie Ola | About 4 day(s) ago It's amazing how, suddenly, big tech is trying to win President Trump over. But where were Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Sundar Pichai the last 4 years? Tim Cook (Apple), Larry Ellison (Oracle) and Elon have been with him all the way since the beginning.
Reply by Mae Eisner About 4 day(s) ago I recognize Zuckerberg, Bezos, the Google guy and Elon, but I don't recognize the woman.
Reply by SueAnn Lindley About 4 day(s) ago That's a good sign. He will need big tech on his side, because big tech is where it's at today, and it will be this way for a long time.
Reply by Dixie Rose About 4 day(s) ago As long as President Trump has Apple, Oracle and Elon on his side, he can't help but be the best president we've ever had.