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1001180-Roger-DuncanRoger Duncan  |  About 7 day(s) ago
George Foreman: “I was out of boxing for 10 years, and the only picture that I saved was Muhammad Ali knocking me down. There I was going down from that punch, I kept that and looked at it all the time, mainly because I realised what a big moment it was for sports and for boxing, and it kept me humbled. I never forgot that, and it's made me a far better person than if it had been me knocking him down.”

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Reply by 1001113-Bubba-FisherBubba Fisher    About 7 day(s) ago
George was a good fighter, with a powerful punch. I wouldn't say he was necessarily a great fighter. He was no match for Ali. Also, if he had fought Rocky Marciano in his prime, he wouldn't have been a match for Rocky. George didn't have the stamina a great fighter has. But George was a great guy. He was very influential, and did a lot for boxing. He will be missed.

Reply by 1001180-Roger-DuncanRoger Duncan    About 7 day(s) ago
Bubba, I hope what I'm about to say doesn't upset you. If Ali had fought Rocky in their primes, he would have hurt him, bloodied him, humiliated him, and done everything to him except one thing - Beat him. Rocky was tough, and he didn't know how to lose. Rocky was the greatest fighter, but Ali was THE GREATEST, PERIOD.
Reply by 1001114-Jack-RobbinsJack Robbins    About 7 day(s) ago
Now that you've mentioned it, it seems as if George changed after that fight. What I barely remember was, the next time I saw him on TV after that fight, he had joined the Church and become a minister. #GeorgeForeman