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1001067-Margie-Ola's photo

1001067-Margie-OlaMargie Ola        About 7 day(s) ago
Let's take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember these classic TV shows? What are some other that you remember? 👪🕺


Reply by 1001118-Mae-EisnerMae Eisner    About 7 day(s) ago
I can think of two more that didn't make the list: "Happy Days" and "The Brady Bunch"

Reply by 1001117-Curt-ChanceCurt Chance    About 7 day(s) ago
MASH was a great sitcom, but I liked the movie much better. Read more ➢

Reply by 1001111-Holly-AndersHolly Anders    About 7 day(s) ago
I've watched re-runs of 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show', and I think this is one of the greatest TV shows of all time. When Mary Tyler Moore passed away in 2017, this really hurt.

Reply by 1001180-Roger-DuncanRoger Duncan    About 7 day(s) ago
These definitely were the classics. After a few years, night time sitcoms started appearing, and before long, the newer shows became a dime a dozen.

Reply by 1001183-MaryKate-BartonMaryKate Barton    About 7 day(s) ago
I remember when these shows first aired, and it makes me feel old. If I recall, "All in the Family" was the first, and "Sanford and Son" was the second. I never liked All in the Family because it was too controversial. Sanford and Son, at first, seemed controversial, but Redd Foxx was brilliant, and funny. He was so funny, that the controversy seemed to be overshadowed by his humor.

Reply by 1001184-Kenneth-ColeKenneth Cole    About 7 day(s) ago
I vaguely remember these shows when they first aired, but I've seen re-runs of them over the years. #classicTV #sitcoms #70sTV